Life on Lophator

 Lophator boasts a great diversity of life.  Bigotry and racism have overcome many races and seperation and segregation become accepted and approved.  The strong prey upon the weak, Kingdoms arise and pit the races against each other in battles and wars.  Slavery and subjagation become the fate of many realms.  Goblinoids and Orcs become the dominant races.  The other races band together and become resentful and they begin to exclude particular races from participating in their communities.  The world's races seperate into evil and good with much confusion resulting in war and bloodshed continually spiraling into hatred and continued bloodshed.  War dominates world politics.   Until the coming of the Paladin King.  After the Kingdom of Goldenshield is established, the Paladin King demands a great push to inclusitivity.  Within a couple of generations, there is a great mixing of races as the Kingdom of Goldenshield spreads its ideology with its colonizers and occupies region after region.  The inclusitivity inside this Kingdom soon spreads to many other Kingdoms and localities and only in the oldest of Kingdoms are there places of pure, unmixed races.  Even so, racism and bigotry never entirely dissappear.  Particularly in both forms of the long lived versus the shorter living races, and the magic users versus the non magic users.

World Populations

Lophator's estimated population at time of campaign: 38,000,000
RacePercent of World PopulationApproximate World Population Rarity in the WorldTypically SupportsPC Expectations at Kahar
Aarakocra1%380,000UncommonFree People  The Aarakocra are rare.  The Aarakocra stay above the fortress in elevated eyres and form small communities in the desert mountains.  It is an extremely rare occasion when any of the Aarakocra have normal dealings with the humanoids of Kahar.  Accept at the highest level, the Aarakocra avoid and shun many of the other types of creatures on Lophator.
 If your character is an Aarakocra, then you will most likely not be based in the fortress itself and your back story will need to include how you come to meet the other adventurers inside the fortress. Work with the DM on how you came to be included with the other PCs inside Kahar.  Interacting with NPCs inside the fortress, you will face medium racism.  It is the Aarakocra themselves that start this trouble as they obstinately and unreasonable believe that those that fly are superior to those that walk.
Aasimar1%380,000UncommonFree People  Aasimar are rare.  At Kahar it is believed that Aasimar are divinely sent to their destinations with purposes faithful and true.
 If your character is an Aasimar, then you will be treated with reverence inside the fortress of Kahar, with both nobles and clergy seeing to many of your needs.  However, you are an instant adversary to any race labeled Enemy.
Bugbear26% of 14%1,383,000NumerousThe Enemies  The bugbear is the mightiest of the subclasses of goblinoids.  At Kahar, a bugbear is always the enemy of the soldiers of Goldenshield.  Primarily because of the many past wars and atrocities, but also because of an underlying fear that manifests itself in the form of racism and bigotry.
 If your character is a Bugbear then you are better off marching as part of the Hill Giant body guard rather than risking certain death alone inside the fortress.  If your Bugbear character survives the battle, the only way your character might succeed in living would be through some really creative role play that convinces the other PCs of your need to adventure with them.  Work with the DM on inventing a creative hook on how you might get your Bugbear involved with the other PCs.
Bullywug.33%125,400RareThe Enemies  The Bullywug is the strange frog like creatures that inhabit swamps and other dark dismal places. 
Centaur1.4%532,000NumerousFree People  The Centaurs are militaristic nomads that wander the globe in an organized army that comes to be known as "The HorseSoldiers".  The entire race bivouacs every night, hunting and resuppling themselves as the land provides.  It is very rare for a young Centaur to be away from the race, for this is the prime of their life and they make their mark on their world in their youth.  It is not until the ripe old age of 50 or more, that a Centaur will take leave of their families, communities, indeed the whole clan and stay in one place where they find they are welcome.  There they live out the rest of their lives, which is sometimes known to be another 60 years or so.
 If your character is a Centaur you will find reverance from the great majority of the people of Kahar.  You will also find shelter and work at both the Farm and the Ranch where both places will pay handsomely in hope of utilizing your experience and expertise.
Changeling.26%98,800Very RareThe Enemies  The Changeling are feared by nobility and magic users as a matter of course.  They fear treachery but many are not above hiring Changelings for their own purposes.  Changelings are most likely to be found working for one of the families in Saba Hamlet, but given the rarity of the race there will likely be no more than 1.
 If your character is a Changeling, you will not meet any type of resentment so long as you keep your true self hidden.  Once exposed, your character will attract both the attention of the nobility and the magic users and they will either attempt to employ or imprison your character.  Which is itself quite the sub plot.
Custom Lineage.04%15,200Very RareThe Enemies  A lineage replaces your race’s traits and sometimes adds some new flavor to your character. You can choose any race (or a combination of races or something more outlandish) and apply a lineage to it, allowing you to combine the “flavor” of your race(s) and the flavor and mechanics of your lineage.
  Introduced in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything - pg 8 the Custom Lineage is a selection for those players that just can't choose anything.  If your character is of Custom Lineage then you are able to customize your racial qualities with your feats, skills, purposes, you name it.  Moreover, in a world with a population of 38 million, your ethnic group is the rarest of the Very Rare, and there would be less than 20,000 of your type.  That fact, in and of itself, could be a hook to many adventures or background anomoly.  You could work with your DM to ask so many questions.  Are any of you aware of the others?  Do you seek each other out?  Or do you purposefully avoid each other?  Are you aware of your origins?  Is there a gathering place?  A gathering time?  As far as roleplay goes the sky is the limit, you can create anything you can dream up.
Dhampir Lineage.06%22,800Very RareThe Enemies  A lineage replaces your race’s traits and sometimes adds some new flavor to your character. You can choose any race (or a combination of races or something more outlandish) and apply a lineage to it, allowing you to combine the “flavor” of your race(s) and the flavor and mechanics of your lineage.
 The Dhampir Lineage used to be just sort of “half vampires” but this new edition broadens them out to include all sorts of horror tropes that might induce a dark hunger. You could literally be the child of a vampire, or you could be cursed with vampiric magic somehow, the result of a failed ritual, have a very hungry parasite, or anything really. The important defining characteristic is that you’re imbued with some spooky power at the cost of a specific and very difficult to resist craving.
 If your character is of Dhampir Lineage then work with your DM to see if you fit in with Khalista's entourage, or are maybe part of the Fire Giant's attack force, or, perhaps, you are a seperate dark force on a different mission and you might find some creative roleplaying ways to join the other PCs.  Have fun making it up!
Dragonborn.26%98,800Very RareFree People  The Dragonborn are at the top of the Very Rare list, not because they are truly Very Rare, but, instead, it is because, here on Lophator, they are hunted by the Chromatic Dragons.  A great betrayal led to a religious fervor among almost all chromatic dragons and they are taught to kill the Dragonborn on sight.  Most do it with enjoyment.  This, of course, causes most Dragonborn to be against the Enemies of the World and on the side of the Free People.
 If your character is a Dragonborn then you can expect to find medium racism and some skepticism about your intentions.  Most officials will treat you fine as a matter of course, but underlings will be unable to hide their prejudices.
Dwarf10%3,800,000NumerousFree People  The Dwarves are a numerous folk that tend to establish Kingdoms where they are the dominant race.  The greatest of these Kingdoms is in the Haldilindor Mountains.  The most recent Kingdom of the Dwarves is at the Ring Hills.
 If your character is a dwarf, you can expect to find little to no racism or bigotry except from the enemies.
Elf10%3,800,000NumerousFree People  The elves are a numerous people that also group themselves together in Kingdoms where their race dominates.  The Greatest of these Kingdoms is with Eldararis in the Endless Forest.  Elves are looked up to by all save the fey and the dwarves.  The younger races see them as mentors wise and truye.
 If your character is an elf, you can expect to find little to no racism or bigotry except a great hatred for your race from the enemies.
Firbolg1%380,000CommonFree People  The Firbolg are a mixture of giants and fey.  The mojority of Firbolg dwell peacefully in quite places in the world, but there are very rare cases where a particular Firbolg will join the forces of the enemies and be a sworn enemy to his own kind.  Evil giants hunt and kill the Firbolg on sight mostly because of their dismissal of the ordening.
  If your character is a Firbolg, work with your DM to create your backstory and how you happen to be in the midst of the most inhospitible desert in the world.
Genasi.82%311,600UncommonBoth  The Genasi are the descendants of the elementals, specifically, the genies.  As such, they wield enormous powers that they can use benignly or malevolently.  The Genasi gather in locations where the border between the elemental planes and the material world is breached by a portal.  Often such communities of Genasi guard and protect these portals.  If they are faithful in protecting such portals, then great reward awaits them in the form of one or more Solar presenting themselves and awarding them for guarding the portal.
 If your character is a Genasi, then work with your DM on creating the back story on how you end up at Kahar.  Whether you are an Air Genasi in leauge with a tribe of Aarakocra, or an Earth Genasi making a living in the unforgiving desert, or a Water Genasi sent to bless the desert inhabitants, ample opportunity to create world shaking stories exist in any of the areas in or around the fortress of Kahar.  There is excellent opportunity to introduce a Fire Genasi as a forerunner for the Efreeti, whether you are an evil envoy preparing his entrance into the world, or a nuetral to good servant either escaping or having been sent to investigate the breach from the Elemental Plane of Fire to the Material World.  Suddenly presented with the opportunity to be free from the control of the Efreeti, are ready to betray your master for freedom and aid the other PCs?   Only your imagination can limit you.
Gith1.2%456,000UncommonBoth  The Gith are present on Lophator in equal numbers so that both the Githyanki and Githzerai roam the skies to continue their perpetual warfare.  Every so often, a mindflayer will present itself and the Gith do all they are able to destroy that mortal enemy.  Even as far roaming and adventurous as the Gith remain, they are also caught in this demi-plane that is the Peotor System with Neyarvus and Lophator as one.  They can travel into the astral plane only so far as it intersects with this System, beyond that they have the same restrictions as other portals and gates.  Powerful psyonic and magic users that attempt to circumvent these restrictions soon find themselves facing multiple Solar.
 If your character is a Gith, then you can expect to find a lot of racism and bigotry against you.  The Red Dragon Raids on the lands of the Free People, each with a GithYanki aiding the attack, has soured most humanoids against the Gith.  With some explanation, some humanoids might be able to understand the difference between the Githyanki and the Githzerai.
Gnoll.8%30,400Very RareThe Enemies The Gnoll are a scourge to the land.  Even amoung the Goblinoids and Orcs, where they might normally find work in their massive armies as mercinaries and shock troops, the sheer savagery of the Gnoll race has condemned them all to near extinction.  The treachery and savagery of the Gnoll are well known long before Prysm sets his mind on taking the power of the Whirlpool of Danube for his own, but when that necromancer propagates the Gnolls to use with his Goblinoid and Orc armies, they turn on him.  The Gnolls begin to slaughter and devour both goblinoids and orcs and only the bravest and the strongest can stand against them.  Such devestation the Gnolls cause to those armies that the wrath of Prysm shows itself and he, personally, and his many minions, hunt and kill the Gnolls, all of them, almost to extinction, and he does it all in mere decades.  The few Gnolls that scatter and survive the wrath of Prism regroup in remote places on Lophator and are unphased and begin to breed and spread, albeit slowly, through the land once again.
 If your character is a Gnoll (or Gnoll variant, "half-gnoll", demonic gnoll, etc), then you can expect maximum amounts of prejudice and racism from both the Free People of the World and The Enemies of the World.  There will be no safe place for you in Kahar as your kind are hated with utmost prejudice.   That being said, work with your DM on creating a backstory that makes some kind of sense for your character.  Perhaps you are a slave warrior to a prominant Noble (Saba Hamlet supplies the slaves that make Sita Hamlet so desirable and prosperous), or perhaps you were with the goblinoids attack force under Rhael the Fire Giant's authority, or perhaps you are a captive of a magician.  With some extremely creative roleplay, you might somehow work your character in with the other PCs.  But you would be in danger from everyone through out the campaign.
Gnome2.6%980,000NumerousFree People  The Gnomes are the wily, ever cheerful little humanoids that help the bigger, clumsier races as often as possible.  Think Gnomengarde but maybe double its size and that could be the common homes of most gnomes.  Even their portrayal as innocently childlike and naively inexperienced works leaving the more intellectually conniving to the leadership roles and, dare I say it, to the PCs.
 If your character is a Gnome, you will be welcome nearly everywhere in Kahar.  The obvious exceptions being the enemy or those with secrets or lies they would rather remain hidden.
Goblin38% of 14%2,021,600NumerousThe Enemies  The Goblins are the most numerous of the Goblinoids.  Their populations thrive on the open planes where they find plenty of food, shelter, and places to plunder, pillage, and rape.  If not for the greater goblinoids, they would continue being a minor nuisance to the many kingdoms, but, under the strategic genius of the Hobgoblins, and brute strength of the Bugbears, they have come to be known as a fierce, cruel, and wicked enemy to be shunned and feared.
 If your character is a goblin, you can expect maximum amounts of racism, prejudice, and hatred while you are in Kahar.  Only inventive role play and lots of mercy from the other PCs will save you from certain death.
Goliath.28%106,400RareBoth  The Goliath suffer the same fate as the Firbolg, in that, evil giants tend to kill or enslave them on sight.  Even so, most Goliaths tend to the evil side of things, bullying and rough housing to get their way.  Few and far between are the Goliaths that stand for law and rules, much less goodness.
 If your character is a Goliath, then you can expect to encounter medium racism and bigotry, as your race has often been on the warpath against caravans and other peaceful delegations.  Work with your DM on creating a backstory on how your character meets and aids, or meets and thwarts the other PCs.  Perhaps your character is a slave in the Fire Giants attack force, and maybe you escape?  Or are let go?  Limitless possiblities exits.
Grimlock.18%176,400RareThe Enemies  The Grimlocks are the underground dwellers that prey upon the hapless surface inhabitants.  These foul creatures are rudementary and backwards, lacking any real leadership or organization, they survive by stealth and hiding.  Often, the Grimlocks find themselves as slaves to other more intelligent or stronger species.
  If your character is a Grimlock, you can expect to find maximum racism and bigotry against you from both the Free People of the World and the Enemies.  However, stronger, more intelligent NPCs will often try to lure Grimlocks into service with the promise of food, shelter, and security.  Once these needs are satistied, a small group of Grimlocks will become suprisingly loyal.
Grung.05%19,000Very RareThe Enemies  Grungs are aggressive froglike humanoids found in rain forests and tropical jungles.  Though they, themselves, believe otherwise the Grung are largely unknown and only trouble the deepest Rain Forests and Jungles.   Hunted by the Tabaxi for mysterious purposes, and hunted by Giant Snakes for food, are the only real dangers facing the Grung.
 If your character is a Grung, you will likely not face bigotry or racism but instead be a real object of curiousity.  A danger will be if unscrupulous characters learn of your poisonous skin, they will abduct you and try to use this knowledge to thier advantage.  That alone could make for some fun roleplay.
Half-Elf2.2%836,000NumerousFree People  Half-elves are everywhere.  Half-elves are Kings and paupers, wizards and soldiers, clerics and priests.  Anywhere in the world you go you will likely run into a half-elf or two.  Half-elves are not as trustworthy as true elves, as many do indeed have an evil alignment and can often be found leading or following some harbinger of great evil.  But, most half-elves are good.
 If your character is a half-elf, you will recieve little to no racism or bigotry and will be accepted anywhere at Kahar.
Half-orc2%760,000NumerousThe Enemies  The Orcs are conquerers and enslavers, so that it stands to reason there are a numberous amount of half-orcs.  Most of them get pulled into the ranks of the orcs and end up being soldiers in war after war after war.  But, on a rare occasion, the half-orc deserts and seeks out a differnt kind of life.
 If your character is a half-orc then you will find a lot of racism and bigotry against you and most of the time your life will be in danger.  Sounds like a fun game to me!
Halfling2.6%988,000NumerousFree People  Halflings are an affable and cheerful people.  They cherish the bonds of family and friendship as well as the comforts of hearth and home, harboring few dreams of gold or glory.  Rare are the adventurers among them, and those that do wander usually venture into the world for reasons of community, friendship, wanderlust, or curiosity.  They love discovering new things, even simple things, such as an exotic food or an unfamiliar style of clothing.  Halflings are easily moved to pity and hate to see any living thing suffer.  They are generous, happily sharing what they have even in lean times.  The diminutive halflings survive in a world full of larger creatures by avoiding notice or, barring that, avoiding offense. Standing about 3 feet tall, they appear relatively harmless and so have managed to survive for centuries in the shadow of empires and on the edges of wars and political strife.  Halflings are adept at fitting into a community of humans, dwarves, or elves, making themselves valuable and welcome.  The combination of their inherent stealth and their unassuming nature helps halflings to avoid unwanted attention.  Halflings work readily with others, and they are loyal to their friends, whether halfling or otherwise.  They can display remarkable ferocity when their friends, families, or communities are threatened.
 If your character is a halfling, you will be welcome nearly everywhere in Kahar.  Even better, there is a greater chance than not that many enemies that you meet will underestimate you.
Harengon.00032%1260EndangeredFree People The Harengons are that strange mix of humanoid and rabbits, but a blood fued with the werewolves first, but then it spread to the wolves and now the whole race of Harengon is nearly extinct.  Yet, such is their luck, they have been on the verge of extinction for several hundred years now, but so prolific are they that when several communities are wiped out and others think they are gone, they pop up in new communities and begin to spread again.
 If your character is a Harengon, you will experience little to medium racism and bigotry because of the fasion of your build and the facial expressions you make.  At Kahar, only a couple of places might refuse you service or treat you harshly if you are alone, but nearly everyone else will treat you more enlightenedly and do their best to include you in all things.
Hexblood Lineage.08%30,400Very RareThe Enemies  A lineage replaces your race’s traits and sometimes adds some new flavor to your character.  You can choose any race (or a combination of races or something more outlandish) and apply a lineage to it, allowing you to combine the “flavor” of your race(s) and the flavor and mechanics of your lineage.
 Hexbloods are individuals infused with eldritch magic, fey energy, or mysterious witchcraft.  Some who enter into bargains with hags gain their deepest wishes but eventually find themselves transformed.  These changes evidence a hag’s influence: ears that split in forked points, skin in lurid shades, long hair that regrows if cut, and an irremovable living crown.  Along with these marks, hexbloods manifest hag-like traits, such as darkvision, and a variety of magical methods to beguile the senses and avoid the same.  While many hexbloods gain their lineage after making a deal with a hag, others reveal their nature as they age—particularly if a hag influenced them early in life or even before their birth.  Many hexbloods turn to lives of adventure, seeking to discover the mysteries of their magic, to forge a connection with their fey natures, or to avoid a hag that obsesses over them.
 If your character is of Hexblood Lineage, then you can expect distrust and suspicion from the majority of the people in Kahar.  Good roleplaying and disguise or deception should get you through the worst of it.
Hobgoblin36% of 14%1,915,000NumerousThe Enemies   Hobgoblins are the belligerent warmongerers of the goblinoids, but, they are rarely just braggarts unable to backup their boasts, no, they can indeed perform militaristic maneuvers equaling any of their bragging.  If they would stop being so argumentively competitive, they have the ability to conquer the whole world.  However, there is always conflict among the strongest hobgoblins and there is always strife on who should be on top.  Only one necromancer is ever able to unite the hobgoblins under one banner, and, even then, his Dark Crusades are a failure.  But he does not stop, and every 16 years he unites the Goblinoids and sets them under the Fire Giants and sends them to conquer and destroy the Free People of the World.
  If your character is a hobgoblin, you will find you are hated and despised by almost everyone in Kahar.  Your best chance at survival is to be part of the Fire Giant's Gang and do your best to survive the war.
Human8%3,040,000NumerousThe Free People  Humans are few and rare before the coming of the Paladan King.  With the arrival of the Fugitives of Tacarun, the Human population increases by over 2 million.  The Paladan King builds the city of Hallowed first and then follows it up by building Goldenshield after the War of the Portal.  Though there have been and always will be Humans that side with the enemy, because of the Paladan King and his Kingdom of Goldenshield, Humans are counted as belonging to the Free People of the World and exist to battle evil.
 If your character is a human, then you will not find racism or bigotry against you very much at all.  You will be one of the dominating humanoid species that represent the Free World.  You will probably be a citizen of Goldenshield Kingdom or even a soldier.  Of course, you don't have to be.  You can be a sorcerer under the blue dragon, or an assassin that works for the lamia, or even a mercernary under Rhael that survives the war.  Only your imagination is the limit!
Kalashtar.24%91,200Very RareThe Free People  Kalashtar are a race of humanoids bound to good-aligned spirits from the Dreamlands, the plane where minds travel to when they sleep.  The Kalashtar originate in Eberron, seeing their first appearance as a playable race back in DnD 3.5 in the Races of Eberron supplement.
 If your character is a Kalashtar, then you will fit right in this world saturated in magic and spirits.
Kenku.32%121,600UncommonThe Enemies The Kenku are avian humanoids that have been cursed to live their lives without wings.  The majority of Kenku tend to be evil and chaotic and even those that are nuetral tend to be opportunistic, unscrupulous, and indifferent about committing illegal or immoral acts.  Typically, Kenku are destitute beggers, impovirshed because of their irresponsibility, unable to grasp the basics of economic common sense.  But the Kenku of Hill Crest Lake have found great success in betraying the spreading Kingdoms of the Free People to the goblinoids, orcs, and other conquering races.  Assassins, thieves, scouts, and spies find gainful employment from expanding warlords.
 If your character is a kenku, you will face suspicion and distrust, as most of the people in Kahar know of the many double dealings made by your kind just to try to get rich.
Kobold12%4,560,000NumerousThe Enemies  The Kobolds are the most numerous race, baring combining the goblinoids, on all of Lophator.  In the presence of dragons (particularly chromatic dragons), they tend to become prolific and spread like wild fire.  Kobolds are expert tunnelers, skillful scavengers, and loyal tribalist, but, mostly, they are servants of the dragons and form huge armies that strike with hit and run tactics, traps, and long range weapons.  Kobolds are more likely to flee than stand their ground. and few have ever accused kobolds of being heroes.
 If your character is a kobold, you will face suspicion, distrust, open racism and bigotry.  Only effective role play and intelligent manuevering will help you survive inside of Kahar.
Leonin.16%60,800Very RareThe Free People The Leonin are a lion folk who are muscular, have claws, and sport manes.  Though their numbers are few, they have won reknown through out the land, and are known for their bravery, honor, and loyalty.
 If your character is a Leonin, then you will be treated with honor in Kahar, with both nobles and commoners going out of their way to make sure you have all that you need and are comfortable.
Lizardfolk1%380,000CommonThe Enemies  Lizardfolk are semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids.  Their skin is covered in scales and varied in color from dark green to shades of brown and gray.  Taller than humans and powerfully built, lizardfolk are often between 6 and 7 feet tall and weighed between 200 and 250 pounds.  Lizardfolk have non-prehensile muscular tails that grow to three or four feet in length, and these are used for balance.  They also have sharp claws and teeth.  Lizardfolk have to keep their skin relatively moist and need to wet their bodies regularly if they are in dry climates.  For this reason they are particularly fearful of desert landscapes.
 If your character is a lizardfolk, then you will face bigotry and racism and regular folk will be both suspicious and fearful of you.  Moreover, you will not want to venture too far away from either Surgebuilt Lake or Kahar River.
Locathah.00065%2500EndangeredThe Free People Smart, intelligent, and wise, the Locathah became victims of racial genocide.  A tribe of merrow aligned with a group of sahuagin hunted the unfortunate people to near extinction.  If your character is a Locathah, your presense will be a surprise to almost everyone in Kahar.  More importantly, you will be confined to the fortress by the mere that you need to be submerged in water every four hours.  Surgebuilt Lake will suit your needs, as will the Fountains of Palm Tree Lane, and four hours is plenty of time to travers most of the areas of the fortress.
Loxodon.18%68,400Very Rare