About Proxyon Spiritking

I am Proxyon Spiritking. This was a nick I chose back in 2004 when my real name was denied as a username for the new app facebook because it sounded too false. It was a strange interaction. My name is Robert David Truelove and I am the last of the sons of Jess. I was born in Morningside Hospital (no longer there but it was near Western and 87th) in Los Angeles and enjoyed my childhood in Los Angeles County in the unincorporated community of Hacienda Heights, in a little house with the unassuming address of 1707 Fieldgate. Life was normal and enjoyable until Jess passed away and then Im afraid things did not turn out so well ... but time passed and we all grew up and now I'm just a plain old man with family and friends of my own waiting for time to make its full circle. With grandchildren on the way and lots to take up our time and attention, life north of the mountains above Los Angeles, far up in the High Desert, is as enjoyable and fullfilling as it can be. Now I roam about, content to be a part of other people's lives, just a simple old man who likes to think about the world and make things up: pictures, stories, songs, and such. I do enjoy smoking the buds of the cannabis plant and giggling and laughing my way through the day. I enjoy simple coding. I enjoy learning new things. I became interested in coding and programming and setting up a server to host my stuff. But just trying to configure httpd.conf is enough to make me throw my hands up in the air and shut down the computer and forget it all, but I perservere through and get it done. Mostly, without messing too many things up. Let us just say that, yes, it is possible to mess up the kernal or the bootdrive because of not understanding 'if [ $GRUB_EXCLUDE_PARTITION = $LROOT ]; then [export GRUB_EXCLUDE_PARTITION="/dev/sda1"]'. Nothing that a total reinstall of the system doesn't fix, but we will no longer speak of it and just chalk it up to lesson learned.
