The Forest Glade

After leaving Rockcliff Castle, adventurers travel hundreds of miles in dark, heavy forests of close packed trees, encountering strange and exotic creatures and beings, until, at last, they come across a clearing with a small house. A well stands near by, but there is no sign of anyone having been around for a long time. The house is constructed of great tree logs and has stood for a long time. The clearing is strangely quiet and no animals nor birds visit this area.

The house in the forest glade
The house in the forest glade
Inside the house
Inside the house are skeletel corpses, broken furniture, and little else besides an old lock on a sturdy wooden chest
The scary forest at night
At night, up in the trees, inhuman noises ripple sharply amongst the forest ruckus. Flying creatures, barely seen in the darkness, can be heard among the branches.  Inside the house, never seen but always felt with raised hairs and shivering teeth, the bones on the floor move about in barely perceptable ways.

The Devil in the Clearing

Long ago a devil escaped a portal, fled to this glade where it found five despicable, chaotic evil men. The devil captured, taunted and tormented the men until it killed them, turning them into MOS devils. (You see, when I made this map, there were four 1st level characters, so what I really needed was 1/4 or 1/8 cr devil or demon, but I couldn't find one handy, so I made one, too bad I draw crappy :) but you might get the idea)

MOS Devil
MOS Devil

MOS Devils are mortals that have been slain by a high level devil and cursed to remain tied to their corpse. In appearance, they are flying devils with black wings and red, slimy skin. They can be slain, but will return to life in 1d6 days, unless the corpse is buried and blessed, and the house and everything in it burned to the ground. If not done in that exact order, the house and the corpses reappear as if nothing happen. MOS Devils are vicious, unfeeling, uncaring brutes that will not bargain or listen to pleas, they hide until dark when victims are unsuspecting, and then they will attack and fight to the death.

MOS Devil
Small fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class:
Hit Points:
30', Fly 60'
Damage Resistances:
Damage Immunities:
fire, poison
Conditioned Immunities:
charmed,frightened, poisoned
darkvision 30'
1/4 (50xp)
A MOS Devil makes 2 attacks. 1 with its claws and 1 bite
Melee Weapon Attack:
+4 to hit, reach 10', one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage
Melee Weapon Attack:
+6 to hit, reach 10', one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing damage

If a MOS devil dies, it returns to life in 1d6 days and regains all its Hit Points Not even a wish spell can prevent this trait from functioning. The only way to truly kill a MOS Devil is to bury the corpse and bless it (holy water works), and then burn the house where the corpses were killed. If this is done wrong (e.g. - in improper order, etc.) then the house reappears with the corpses in 1d6 days.


Inside the Chest

  • 2 - Potion of Healing - heals 1d4 - 50gp/vial
  • 2 - Bloodstone - 100gp/each
  • 180 - gold pieces
  • 80 - copper pieces

Next Adventure

Hit Counter: 497
