Moons of Lophator
History of Lophator
The Lamia and The Naga
The Dark Crusades
The War
Portal of the Undead
The Fall of the Front Gate
The River of Lava
The Defense of the Keep
The Ruining of Apperton's Arch
The Battle at Palm Tree Lane
The Death of the Giants
The Queen of the Desert
The Sapper Cave
The Fire at Tower 9
Retreat to Tower 1
The Fire Snake Eggs
The Kruthrik Eggs
The Fire Newts
The Planting of the Gulthias Tree
The Coming of Zamj Pustinjski
A crooked path to the Rear Gate
The Taking of the Rear Gate
The Sand Pits
The Razing of the West Building
The Key to the Armory
The Haunted Hole
The Silver Plated Swords
Ride to Halfmoon Canyon
Heading North
The Forest Glade
The Oak by the Granite Rock
The Bridge at Balak's Stream
Yellow Meadow Village
The Mayor of One Gap
The Toll Road
Through the Gate of One Gap
The Fork in the Road
The Mayor's Garden
The Cult of the Seven Sins
The Plight of the Princess of Kencher
Flame Spurt Ridge
Quicksand Alley
The Three Trails
The Legend of Boggy Creek
Kor's Tower
Weighty Alloy
The Meteor
The Rise of the Green Men
The Fall of Otra City
The Daughter of the Paladin
Some drawings I made about the invents on Lophator:
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