The History of the planet Lophator

It was I'lwairl Corecor, an eldarin, who opened a portal from the fey world to Lophator, for one full week Lophator time, and the fey poured through. Dryads, satyrs, sylphs, pixies, and sprites, as well as centaurs, blink dogs, storm giants, cloud giants, stone giants, faerie dragons, treants, and unicorns poured through the magical gate and marveled at the beautiful world that was revealed to them all. Close behind came hags and witches, trolls and ogres, fire giants, hill giants, frost giants, blights and shambling mounds, femorians and ettins, and many other evil and wicked creatures, including great armies of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears, and huge clans of orcs, ogres, and trolls. All were drawn to this new world by its tremendous magic and fabulous power centered at the Whirlpool of Danube, in an enchanted land in the midst of a paradise forest, hidden in the tallest mountains on this world. Before the end of the sixth day of the open portal, the last to march in were the great armies of the elves and dwarves, who had been bidden by the creators of the elves and dwarves, to guard and protect all fey. So they brought great arms and instruments of war for this very purpose. Six days of thirty six hours the portal had stayed open, but at its closing, the greater gods charged twelve solar to guard the world Lophator, and to ensure that no immortal being or god or creature of great power could enter that world, thus would the fey be protected for ever.

Thousands of years passed, and great realms rose and fell, the elves and the drawves built great kingdoms and their armies were ever at the service of the lesser fey. Whenever roving bands of gnolls, or goblins, or orcs, or trolls, or whatever fell beasts roamed the lands the armies of the elves and dwarves would fall upon them like a hammer on an anvil. And the land of Fortune grew and prospered under their protection. Until at last, the evil god of the orcs and the evil god of the goblins together tried to penetrate the impassible barrier of the solar. Though they failed, two weapons had been cast through the void and landed on Lophator. They were evil weapons that gave their holders god like abilities, and with these weapons the enemies of good would capture the magic at the Whirlpool of Danube and create a portal that would allow their evil gods to penetrate onto Lophator. Their armies were no match for the elves and dwarves, even with their godly weapons, and were repelled easily. Still beyond paradise vale, the world was aflame with war.

In the midst of this war, a terrible dragon named Orobrix made a pact with a vile necromancer Aphotos, and together they brought an attacking army of undead and also attacked the defenders of the fey at Paradise Vale. They, too, were repelled by the elves and the dwarves, and the dragon was trapped in enchantment by the magic of the fey. But the necromancer, saw the power that was contained anywhere near the whirlpool and he built towers of war on that land, and raised armies of undead to protect him. Inside the dark and terrible towers, Aphotos the necromancer made a pact with a fiend and started the long and weary process of creating a portal to the abyss and the nine hells. The elves and dwarves besieged the Towers of Aphotos but could not destroy them or cast them down. They could not stop the creation of a portal to hell, and as the first demons broke through the forming portal, they knew it was the begining of their end.

That was when the armies of the Paladin King arrived with the people who fought for the Druid of Oltdun. The Paladin King himself, led a small contingent who woke the dragon Orobix and fought and defeated him, chasing him west beyond the swamps of Krih. Next their armies broke down the towers of Aphotos, and entering, they broke the portal and stopped that otherworldly menace. Though they lost the necromancer and did not bring him to justice, their armies next defeated the orcs in open battle and took their evil weapon. Even as the goblinoids rallied to attack, the armies of the Paladin King swept them away in defeat and took their evil weapon away also. The fey awarded the Paladin King and his people the magical land of Fortune, so long as they hide and protect the power of the Whirlpool of Danube, which they did.

The following is a timeline of the events following the War of Portal:

After these events, come the tradegies: the Paladin King takes an army of millions of super devoted warriors and disappears into the time void. His granddaughter unites the entire realm and becomes the Empress. Her one mistake in her three thousand year rule was to take a quasit as her familiar and she let it corrupt her form. The Paladin King returned in flaming battle and did not see his granddaughter, but only her corrupted form and identified her as the enemy. His attack brought devestation to the land and the Empress, having failed in trying to talk to him, brought her own army to meet the onslaught. The war lasted twelve days, and on the sixth day I'lwairl Corecor returned with powerful magic and opened a portal to the fey world. For six days the fey rushed through the portal to escape their long home on Lophator, because the war raged on. So great was the devestation of that war that both heroes died before they could even meet, the Paladin king seeing his end in a charge against hopeless odds in an open field, and the Empress dying as she defended Cabel's Tower when it was broken and ruined from the devastating attack. The magic was broken and the protection of the solar was withdrawn, and the Gods and other immortal beings of power and might rushed in to be the first to set foot on Lophator. At that very moment, the star went super nova and destroyed many light years of both time and space and dimensions and realities, and it was and epoch before order was restored in the realm of the gods.
