The Lamia and the Naga

A Dungeons and Dragons Campaign



 The long, scorching hot desert day draws to an end.  Forty five foot tall towers of war, made of four foot thick, sun baked hardened earth, shimmer with heat as the bright desert sunlight turns from white to orange and then red.  The thirty foot high, ten foot thick walls, complete with crenellated parapet, that connect the towers run over ten thousand feet before the next tower rises like a candle in a baking sunset.  Nine great towers enclose an enormous oasis deep in this desolate desert.  Nearly a thousand soldiers man those walls and towers and gaze out to the myriad dark tents, canvas coverings, and other shade structures that hide the forces of evil from the scorching desert sun.  The desert sun, a bane to the goblinoids, gives strength and courage to the leader of these evil hordes.  A Fire Giant that paces impatiently all the long day as his armies hide but he himself soaks up the unbearable heat.  Catapults and siege towers, beasts of burden and wagon after wagon fill the barren desert floor.  Supplies in wagons as far as the eye could see, and tents.  A thousand tents litter the horizon, each tent holding monstrous occupants awaiting the complete desert darkness when the gobliniod hordes will be unleashed.  Kahar is a fortress of war, set here to guard the King's Road and to resist the enemies of the kingdom.  But this is no ordinary raid by some desert tribe, this is the 7th Dark Crusade, there are an untold number of mercenares aiding a thousand goblinoids that march with instruments of war, all led by Rhael the Fire Giant and his 2 hill giants Rulos and Eclith.  A thousand goblinoids come to tear the fortress walls down and slaughter all within.  You are one of the defenders that man the desert fortress and fight and resist the invading army.  Will you survive?

The Campaign

The campaign begins with Rhael the Fire Giant
assaulting the desert fortress Kahar

with his two Hill Giants, Rulos and Eclith
and a thousand goblinoids.

In truth, Rhael and his goblinoid army would have been completely defeated outside of the walls of Kahar by the heros of Kahar
This did not happen because of the treachery brought about by Khalista the Lamia
Kahar would have been entirely lost
if not for the shrewd endeavors of Thamiar the Guardian Naga


The Lamia and the Naga began as a desert campaign where a guardian Naga recruits PCs to secretly thwart the plans of a powerful lamia that infests a broken desert fortress.  It has evolved since then.  This campaign is designed for beginners at first level, but, since the initial attack (session 0) that destroys the fortress is caused by one thousand goblinoids led by a Fire Giant with two Hill Giants, plus a multitude of mercenaries, along with scores of slaves responsible for feeding and watering both beasts and soldiers, the whole campaign can easily accommodate PCs of any level and at any starting point.  Key moments come to pass (e.g. - the fall of the front gate, the defense of the Keep, the destruction of three towers, the loss of Aperton's Arch, etc.) either aided or thwarted by the PCs and events will occur (e.g. - the sapper cave with the gate to the elemental plane of fire, the Steam Fields, and the defilement of The World Shrine) whether the PCs achieve them or whether NPCs achieve them.  These events take place during the seventh Dark Crusade deep in the Hamakhaave desert at the Kingdom of Goldenshield's fortress named Kahar, one of three desert fortresses guarding the King's Road.  Powerful heroes of Goldenshield Kingdom guard the fortress and fully expect to destroy the invaders outside the fortress walls.  They remember and celebrate previous victories as holidays.  The Fire Giant and two Hill Giants and a thousand goblinoids (100 bugbears, 100 hobgoblins, and 800 goblins), along with a mercenary army, are overmatched and can never destroy the desert fortress alone.  The Fire Giant and the Hill Giants are moribund.  Concerning the goblinoids, 85% of the bugbears are destroyed, 82% of the hobgoblins are destroyed, but only 65% of the goblins are destroyed.  The mercenaries scatter but, if nothing is done about it, they will coalesce into quite a formidable group.   Rhael's attacking gang should never have made it inside the fortress but they do because of treachery.
  Only because of treachery within the walls of Kahar is the desert fortress destroyed.  It is Khalista the Lamia that is the author of this treachery.  She arrives on the eve of the 6th Dark Crusade.  She is thwarted in her designs when the heros of Kahar destroy the fire giant, the hill giants, and the attacking goblinoid army.  Khalista flees to the east where she finds an ancient temple to call her home, and though she names it Kout, which is dark despair, the locals come to call the place Sakala, after her former home far away to the southwest.  She sneaks in the fortress and slaughters the cattle on the High Plains.  She has her minions kidnap the family of the Chancellor of Kahar, but, in a botched operation her minions kill the wife and maim the son.  The chancellor of the realm, a powerful archmage, curses her and vows to destroy her and her realm.  Though she is able to magically charm him, he only gets sicker and sicker until he hides away in his tower, and she can never truly control him.  As other lords and ladies vie for power when the chancellor retreats, she no longer needs her magical charms to win them over to her service.  Some of the most powerful NPC's in the fortress of Kahar turn traitor against the Kingdom of Goldenshield for money, power, forbidden knowledge, and magical abilities.  Khalista raises zombies and skeletons and troubles the lands with undead servants, but she is hindered, fustrated, and stopped by the abilities of the Knights, clerics and paladins powerful against undead, able to turn zombies and skeletons away, or thwart the machinations of ghost and poltergiest.  So Khalista plots their doom.  It takes years, it requires her to nuture and raise a coven of hags, but finally the noble lords of Kahar are seperated forever by her scheming and manipulation.  The magicians in charge of the fortress believe the lies against the clerics and the paladin are led down a dark path where they fall and are seen no more.  The magicians in charge fall to her charm and manipulations and the chancellor is powerless to stop her.  She splits the magicians into three factions, and pits them against each other until betrayals and lies plague the magicians with feelings of guilt, sadness, shame, and remorse.  The Abjurer betrays his oath and Tower 9 becomes a belching volcano spewing a river of lava that runs north.  The Necromancer betrays his oath and the towers of Kahar are overthrown.
  Three of the nine towers and are broken into pieces allowing the goblinoids to storm into the fortress.
  Worse, Khalista the lamia is a master at raising and controling the dead, an undead army arises with untold numbers that will destroy any of her adversaries.  The Lamia begins her evil before the battle begins by saving a hobgoblin commander from assassins and then controlling him and forcing him to lead his band of goblinoids with the housing of a battering ram, to the base of Tower 9.  They begin to dig while thier enemy, the fortress defenders, defies the multiple siege engines and scores of goblinoids intent on destroying the fortress Kahar.  A traitor wizard, an Evoker, opens an arcane gate to her from inside the fortress.  She sends her undead servants through the gate with orders to kill the defenders of Kahar,  In this way, the first enemies that meet the PCs are the goblin zombies and crawling hands.
 As the battle progresses, all the slain lay before the lamia, ready to be her undead slaves.  The traitors pass through the Arcane Gate to meet the Lamia.  There, hidden behind a fallen siege tower, she commands the Abjurer, the Conjurer, and the Transmuter, to enter the sapper hole and open a Gate to the elemental plane of fire and reverse the gravity.  They preform their assigned tasks flawlessly, a Gate is opend, fire and lava fall up into the base of Tower 9, assuring that it is doomed.  Treachery occurs, the Abjurer traps the Conjurer and the Transmuter in miniture form inside an 8" diameter diamond.  The Abjurer and his minions enter the gate to the elemental plane of fire to hide the 8" diameter diamond and to retrieve several obsidian orbs.  They flee the gate and exit the sapper cave just before Tower 9 collapses and becomes a ring of stones.  As the lava spews out like a volcano, the Fire Giant dismantles the east side of the Front Gate House. After a bit of time, lava comes spills out of a ring of stones where Tower 9 used to be.    Kahar is doomed
 But now we come to Thamiar the Guardian Naga, a servant of a powerful Androsphinx, Thamiar orchestrates a second invasion by another powerful foe.  A young blue dragon, with an army of kobolds and some powerful servants of his own gather north of the fortress.  An ultimatum is announced to flee the land or to die.  One hour later, The Rear Gate is overrun by an attacking kobold force, and the dragon carves out a lair inside the shell of the west building and below the whole Rear Gate area.  The entrance to his new lair defiles the Shrine of Lophator at the Tunnel at Barabara Road.  His numberless kobold army stands ready to overrun all of Kahar.  While orchestrating a second invasion may seem like a curious plan to save the fortress, it works.  The lamia is caught at a time when she must hide away for one whole day, so, instead of dealing with this menace herself, she awakens an ancient evil and gives it command of her undead army, and all the myriad undead are diverted to the north where they clash with the invading kobold attack force.  This is The Mummy Lord Battle.  The adversaries cancel each other out and allow the soldiers of Goldenshield to gather at the 3 surviving Towers where they hold out against both enemies.  The lamia returns from her mandatory convalescence but must labor long and hard to fortify her claim to the broken fortress.  She commands her servants to sieze the library for herself and the keep for them, both of which occur without any problems or issues.  Once secure, her servants bring fire snake eggs to a lake of lava that has pooled where Aperton's Arch was destroyed.  There the Lamia uses her modified haste spell to infect the place with fire snakes and Salamanders.  Continuing north where the river of lava meets Surgebuilt Lake in a great cloud of steam and smoke, she gives a displaced tribe of fire newts sanctuary.  Returning to the south, on the east hills, she spreads more evil causing an outbreak of a deadly, burrowing family of kruthik.
 Elsewhere in the fortress, the Barracks are captured by the traitors, the magicians, priests, and the now fallen Knights.  Having broken away from Khalista but not willing to repent of their betrayal to the Kingdom of Goldensheild, they will attempt to seal themselves inside a magical Labyrinth.  Four of the nine hamlets become boarded up places of haunted nightmares that will be taken over by even more undead servants of the Lamia.  While much of the land inbetween will become filled with conflict, death, and other terrors of war.  The towers in the west are broken and destroyed, the rear gate has been siezed by the invading kobold army, Tower 9 has turned into a lava spewing ring of stones, and Tower 1 has been abandoned into a terrible, frightning darkness that traps anyone between unbearable heat at Tower 9 and horrible darkness at Tower 1.
 Only in the east part of the fortress have soldiers of the Kingdom of Goldensheild survived, the remaining three towers and nearly 9 miles of wall that still stands are held by the survivors of Kahar. These soldiers of the Goldenshield military become resistance fighters against the Lamia's invasion and the northern infestation of kobolds.  These resistance fighters are under the leadership of The Lady of Kahar who is in full alignment with Thamiar the Guardian Naga.   It is these powerful NPC's that will themselves contact the PCs or send their knights and other servants to contact the PC's, assign them their duties, direct them in the defense of the weak, and aid them whenever that is needed.
  Now it is up to the PCs and the DM to decide if evil triumps over the fortress, and if so, which evil, the lamia and her undead army or the dragon and his hordes of kobolds?  Or perhaps, the PCs will be on the side of good, join the soldiers of the Paladin King and attempt to play the two evil adversaries against each other until help comes from other parts of the Kingdom.  If they choose this route, they will have the aide of both Thamiar the Guardian Naga and the powerful Lords of Kahar.

Running the Adventure

 The Lamia and the Naga is a horror story.  Set in a vast empty desert, the story relays the events leading up to, including, and the aftermath of a battle.  And not just any battle, but a battle motivated by religious fervor and spiritual hatred, a battle appropriately named "The Dark Crusades".  Before, during, and after the battle, a nefarious villian, Khalista the Lamia, sets in motion many plots to stake her claim on this coveted land.  She has been sent to conquer and destroy the desert fortress Kahar by a nefarious diety.  The same diety has trained her as a necromancer and furnished her with the ability to raise and control unlimited undead slaves.  She arrives on the eve of the sixth Dark Crusade.  She witnesses the death of Frelot the fire giant and his 2 hill giants, and she watches as a gang of goblinoids is scattered in an utter rout.  She marks the heroes of Kahar that bring all these events about (if possible, it is the PCs) and retreats into the desert for 32 years, until the coming of the next Dark Crusade.
 During that interval, she observes the fortress with magic a thousand times.  She knows that there are more than a thousand caravans crossing Kahar on the King's road every year because Kahar is both the religious center and the banking center of a great part of the desert.  Khalista knows that control of the fortress of Kahar, where the caravan trains converge, will lead to unimaginable riches.  She infiltrates the fortress with scouts, agents, and spies.  She sets in motion a master plan of three strategies and two tactics all designed to throw the land in turmoil and confuse the inhabitants until her forces are able to sieze control.
 Her first strategy involves treachery and her magical control of four high nobles inside the fortress of Kahar.  Khalista waits 32 long years for the next Dark Crusades to return.    Slowly, as the years progress, she learns the walls and towers of Kahar are impenatrateble because of magic  She must concoct a way to penetrate the walls of Kahar with military forces.  Her capable servants alert her to a fued between nobles and she sets her plans to corrupt them.  Leisurely her servants make contact with their targets, and one by one they are brought before Khalista.  Once she can touch them she can place a magical command on them, forcing them to serve her, or, in some cases, refrain from acting.  Spell scrolls and potions are created for her by the 100s, many to destroy the walls and towers of Kahar, but others for more nefarious reasons.  The plan for the sapper hole and the gate to the elemental plane of fire is created at this time.  Her first strategy is complete when the 4 nobles no longer need spells or magical commands but themselves turn traitorious and aid the enemy.  Tower 2, Tower 3, and Tower 4 fall to treachery when the magicains read spell scrolls to move and rend earth and stone.  The goblins enter the fortress and the first people they see are the thousand refugees sheltering on the high plains between the barn and the farm.  The goblins slaughter them all.  All those dead wait for Khalista to raise them as her own undead army.  It is very sad.  The Fire Giants army is able to break the defense of Kahar only because of treachery.
 For her second strategy, Khalista raises the dead, making the land degenerate and depraved with fresh corpses, body parts, and rotting skin and bones that walk about in the dark desolation.  Skeletons, zombies, and shadows, are ordered to attack Goldenshield inhabitants on sight.  Ghouls, specters, and ghasts, haunt specific areas.  Mummies, wights, and ghosts are set to specific tasks.  But some of the scariest undead are not entirely of her work, but are terrifying spirits that haunt battlefields or hunt down traitors in the forms of draugr or revenants.  Her plan is to overwhelm the fortress defenses with ever growing numbers of undead zombie and skeleton servants.  This strategy falls apart and changes quickly when the kobolds invade from the north, and both these events end up culminating in the ruinous Mummy Lord Battle.
 Her third strategy involves awakening not just plants, but evil plants.  Khalista brought the cutting of the Gulthias tree, and has her servants plant it in the sparse growth near the oasis but not too near the water.  From this planting, comes a mutation from twig blights, vine blights, and needle blights into desert like creatures, terrible to behold, and deadly.  The cholla blight wounds unsuspecting innocents with their barbed spines.  The barrel cactus blight wounds those they fall on with thorns that penetrate the thickest leather or the hardiest chainmail.  And the terrible Joshua Tree blight, rivaling the mighty treant, stalks and terrorizes the land with evil intent.
 For her first tactic, Khalista orchestrates an opening to the elemental plane of fire.  Traitors, eager for power, implement a plan that causes Tower 9 to transform into an ash spewing volcano.  Above the sapper cave, a ring of stones bubbles fire and molten stone, and a river of lava runs north, destroys the King's Church, continues on to ruin Apperton's Arch and Moja village, and resumes flowing north until it dives into Surgebuilt Lake with hissing steam.  From this inferno and her dark necromancy, monstrous creatures of fire, smoke, and steam are spawned.
 For her second tactic, she follows the river of lava to where it has surrounded the Prison.  From the obsidian stones the magicians gathered for her, and her modified haste spell, she spawns fire snakes.  Doubling her modified haste spell, she spawns Salamanders from the fire snakes and arms them for war.  These fire creatures look to Khalista as a Queen and a god.  Khalista continues to follow the river of lava to where it dives into Surgebuilt lake.  She uses dipolomacy and her mastery of persuasion and intimidation, when her servants introduce her as Queen of the Desert to a displaced tribe of fire newts.  She has her servants secure the area and arm the fire newts for war.  She adjusts her plans on the fly.  She is tricky.  She is demanding.  She has a superiority complex and is brutal and viscious, greedy and selfish, powerful and unforgiving.  You will likely not be required to roleplay her character for many levels.  Rather, you will be busy presenting the many servants and minions under her control.  Many of whom are nearly as conniving and terrible as she is, and they will trick the PCs as often as they can.  They appear as friends but are not.  They will lie and cheat to get the PCs to do their bidding.  It will not be easy to seperate friend from foe.  So role play that!
 For eighteen long hours the night endures, eighteen hours of undead stalking the living.  Eighteen hours of spirits terrifying mortals, ghouls and ghasts eating their remains, while wicked creatures great and small terrorize the once peaceful fortress.
 This is what is here presented as a Dungeons and Dragons role playing game campaign for a party of four to six adventurers from levels 1 - 20.  A balance of character classes is helpful because of the variety of challenges presented, and a good understanding of balancing encounters is useful because of the sheer number of monsters at your disposal.  This adventure assumes you have the Dungeon Master's Guide, the Player's Handbook, and The Monster Manual for stat blocks, spells, and magic items.  I also used spells and monsters from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and Xanathar's Guide to Everything, but I don't think you really need to own those, maybe just do a google search or homebrew something.  When in doubt, make it up!

The Dark Crusades

 The PCs may never even know that they are up against a lamia and an army of jackalweres.  They are only aware that they are living through the 7th Dark Crusades.  They only know that 2 Hill Giants, 1000 goblinoids, and many mercenaries are marching under the banner of Rhael the Fire Giant and have come to destroy the fortress of Kahar.  The soldiers of Goldenshield fully expect to defeat the attacking army as they have in the past, they expect to be victorious before the day returns.  Very few realize that the Lamia is an enemy, a secret enemy, hidden, shrouded and concealed.  The Lamia uses magic to disguise herself and camouflage to move among the goblinoids and work about the battlefield, most often appearing in the form of a great lion prowling about the battlefield, proceeded and followed by scores of jackals.  Indeed, the only evidence of her movements are the numerous jackals that both proceed and follow after her.  These most trusted minions of hers stay in jackal form so all that witness them think only that scavengers have arrived early to the battlefield.  Khalista the Lamia is not inactive, quite the contrary, she is busy calling out favors, burning infernos to create fire slaves, raising undead slaves in countless numbers, harvesting unique desert plant like slaves, and hunting for artifacts of great value.  She will change the nature of battle to "fear of treachery" and she will make the darkness full of necromantic terror.  Her victory would have been total and complete if not for the mechanations of Thamiar the Guardian Naga.
 At the Rear Gate, at the north of the fortress, a young blue dragon sends his minions to attack, staking a claim on the fortress, he will build a lair and completely disrupt the Lamia's victory.  She responds quickly and ruthlessly, giving up her power by waking the ancient evil in her hidden temple.  This precedes the Mummy Lord Battle, a vicsious night of death and destruction between the kobolds, the dragon and his druid servant defending against the terror of the dead.
 The PCs can be with the enemy, they can be independants, or they can be with the people of Kahar (recommended), a fortress of soldiers, priests, magicians, and warriors who have been preparing for war for months.  Everyone in the fortress, including the PCs, is equipped and assigned duties and responsibilities (fire control, supply runs, evacuate the wounded, communication runner, etc.)  Most of these jobs involve a wagon and mules or horses, often times camels are available.  At any moment, out of the darkness, something terrible will reach out for the PCs, whether it be undead or spirits or goblins shooting arrows from the dark, it will make the night the scariest night ever.

The march of the gobliniods in the dark of night:

The Lamia and the Naga
The Dark Crusades

The War The Queen of the Desert The Coming of Zmaj Pustinjski
Portal of the Undead
Atorn the Evoker, traitor to Goldenshield kingdom, sacrifices himself when he reads a Time Stop spell scroll and follows it by reading an Arcane Gate spell scroll, entering the Arcane Gate, and then standing ready.
The Sapper Cave
Khalista siezes her oportunity, charms and controls a hobgoblin commander.  This hobgoblin commander, Zardoz the Executioner, gathers many goblins and uses the housing of a battering ram to get close enough to Tower 9 to dig a hole, and then dig out The Sapper Cave.
A Crooked Path to the Rear Gate
A host of kobolds led by a blue dragon, use stealth and care to sneak down to the hills north of the Rear Gate.
The Fall of the Front Gate
A Fire Giant rampages in the volcano that was Tower 9 and smashes open the east side of the Front Gate House.
The Fire at Tower 9
Traitorous magicians, under Khalista's command, open a Gate to the elemental plane of fire, Reverse Gravity, and wait until lava, fire, and heat, bring down Tower 9 until it resembles a volcano.
The Sand Pits
The kobolds sneak out into the night with thier trained lizards.  They burrow into the ground before they are clearly seen and begin to dig out the Sand Pits and the Prisons.
The River of Lava
From Tower 9, unstoppable super heated magma runs north all the way to Surgebuilt Lake, where it disappears in a plume of steam.
Retreat to Tower 1
Evil corrupting power threatens to destroy Khalista, so she hides for a whole day, removes it from her head, and waits until it subsides enough for her to restore it inside her head.
The Razing of the West Building
The blue dragon comes from underneath the west building at the Rear Gate and blasts a hole straight through from the bottom floor, through the first floor, through the second floor and all the way up through the top. Rear Gate and a Captain of the Fortress agrees.
The Defense of the Keep
Jackalweres surprise and overwhelm Goldenshield warriors at the King's Library.  But when they attempt the same strategy at The Keep, they find the soldiers there ready for them.
The Fire Snake Eggs
Khalista either tricks the PCs or commands her servants to steal two foot obsidain spheres from the Basalt and Granite Island deep inside the elemental plane of fire.  Once she is in possesion of them she has her servants plant them in the river of lava and she uses her modified haste spell to raise Fire Snakes and Salamanders. 
The Taking of the Rear Gate
The blue dragon demands that the defenders yield to him possesion of the Rear Gate and a Captain of the Fortress agrees.
The Ruining of Aperton's Arch
The river of lava reaches Apperton's Arch.
The Kruthik Eggs
Six grey eggs, preserved by Khalista in a sacred chest, are planted in the ground deep in The Lush hills.  Using her modified haste spell, she causes them to both hatch and grow far quicker than normal.  She retreats south and lets the family of kruthiks hunt the entire area.
The Key to the Armory
The kobolds, now in control of the Rear Gate, fail to realize the worth of the silver swords now in the dragons treasury.
The Battle at Palm Tree Lane
The fire giant enters the volcano and lava, but the hill giants cannot follow him.  They rush north and enter the fortress where Tower 2 has fallen.  They are dupped by Goldenshield soldiers into seperating from their bodyguard.
The Fire Newts
Having lost a battle against a stronger tribe, Packnet Toterouch leads his tribe of Firenewts east down The King's Road.  Once he arrives at Kahar, his tribe is in dire need of water and he capitulates at once to Khalista's servants but finds he is well rewarded.  The Queen of the Desert gives him The Lush Valley for his tribe to dwell, so long as he protects the area and patrols The King's Road, allowing only merchants access to Kahar, and attacking all military patrols.
The Haunted Hole
From this point out, the Hole near the Tunnel at Barabara Road and The Rear Gate are continually besieged by the undead.  Not only by the low level minions, but also the spectors, wights, and wraiths.
The Death of the Giants
Lord Fahred Ahmandi traps the Fire Giant in a giant magical ball of ice.  Lady Nazeri defeats the hill giants by rendering them feeble, deaf, dumb, and blind.
The Planting of the Gulthias Tree
Just south of the bend at North Ridge Road, Khalista has her servants plant her cutting of the Gulthias Tree.  With her modified haste spell, it does not take long until the blights haunt the entire area.  Not only needle, twig, and vine blights haunt the area, but also the cholla blight, the barrel cactus blight, and the terrible walking Joshua Trees.
The Silver Plated Swords
Zmaj sends his agents to seek out the help from the PCs.  Unless they were recovered earlier (doubtful), he will use the Silver Swords as his bribe.

Hamakhaave Desert

The Sakalan Occupation Wasteland Wizards
The Haunting of Tower 1
All of the area, from the King's Road to the Dividing Wall, fall under the constant patrols of the undead that haunt Tower 1.
Wizard and Snake
Lord Lallennos Kisherite and the Wizard's Brigade fall to the wiles of Khalista the Lamia, despite the warnings from Thamiar the Guardian Naga.
The Keep and The Library
This is the first major engagement that Khalista allows her jackalwere army to reveal itself, at least in human form.  As soon as Rhael assaults the King's Church with fire and lava, the jackalwere army siezes the Library and the Keep and enslaves the defenders.
Hunters of the Wadi
The Wizard's Brigade judges the actions of those responsible for waking the Hags of Arroyo Kifo.
The Kobold Incursion
From the north, a great force of well armed, trained, and prepared kobolds start siezing and fortifying a lot of territory.  Using her scrying magic, Khalista learns of the coming of the blue dragon.
The Green Scorpion
The Wizard's Brigade condemns the actions of the paladin Knights and banishes their kind from Kahar.
Awakening Ahmensara
Khalista, facing a major set back because of the kobolds and the coming of Zamj Pustinjski, commands her adjutant to awaken Amensara the Cruel, a mummy lord of great evil and power.
The Labyrinth
Once the Pillars of Jaken are set up, the Labyrinth appears.

The Dead Rise

The Mummy Lord Battle Dragon Lair Siege
The Porch and the Pile of Rocks
  Amensara gathers all the undead and descends on the newly built dragon lair with destruction.
The First Lightning Chamber
Amensara loses many undead servants before he overcomes the first Lightning Elemental.
The Lightning Block Sentinels
Amensara loses many of his undead servants before he overcomes the Lightning Block Sentinels.
The Second Lightning Chamber
Amensara is hacked to pieces by the heroes of Kahar.
The Cimic
The cimic devastates the attacking zombie horde but flees when the Mummy Lord arrives.
The Varlet
Amensara is ambushed by Ghiliba Mbaya in the second lightning chamber.  Amensara is hacked to pieces by the heroes of Kahar and his mummies are destroyed.
The Umber Hulk Tunnel
Amensara blows through the Umber Hulk tunnel but misses the tunnel to Zmaj's chamber.
A Coward Flees
Ghiliba Myaba is so overcome with fear that he flees the dragon's lair.

The Victims and the Traitors

The Ecclesiatic Brigade The Wizard's Brigade The Warlord of Braek's Munitions Dump The Druids of Koya Rion
Kyrakis Braek
A wandering hermit banished from Kahar, last of the great clerics.
Lallenlos Kisharite
Chancellor of the fortress of Kahar.
Nicholas Quinn
The Leader of Paladin Knights.
Searc O'Conner
An opportunistic druid leads a seperatist movement among the desert folk and founds the Druids of Koya Rion.
The Sculptor and the Gargoyles
The cleric Knights make a terrible mistake that leads to the death of an innocent man.
Compulsive Avarice
Presented with untold riches, the lead Wizard falls prey to his own greed.
The Broken Vow
 Tricked by Khalista's evil machinations, the Paladin Knights slaughter an entire tribe of innocents.
Searc O'Conner is sold as a slave to the servants of Khalista.
The Adjuticator of the Realm of Kahar disbands the cleric Knights and forbids anymore of their kind.
Inattentive Negligence
Jealousy stops the Chancellor from saving Kyrakis Braek and the line of clerics that comes to an end.
The Black Guard
The Paladin change into Black Guard
Desert Druids
Searc O'Conner
Return to the Munitions Dump
Although Kyrakis Braek is banished from the fortress, his followers run the Munitions Dump in his name.
Conflicting Division
The Wizard's Brigade seperates into 3 scheming factions.
The Queen's Command
Khalista finds and magically controls the fallen Paladin
The Rebellion of Jaken Voth
Jaken Voth refuses to renounce his loyalty and love for Kyrakis Braek.
Penitent Contrition
The Chancellor and his 2 friends repent but come under attack from Khalista and her minions.  They hide away in the Wizard's Tower as their health fades rapidly.
The Guardian of the Stone Door
It is the dark paladin that are responsible for releasing Teobold the Destroyer.
The Pillars of Janae
Searc O'Conner
Barracks B
The priests hide in Barracks B.
Barracks A
Duvior the Necormancer, Oshan the Diviner, and Exeral the Enchanter, take possession of Barracks A.
Barracks C
The Warlord and his blackguard take possesion to Barracks C.
The Single Path
Searc O'Conner, and the druids, are the opening to the Labyrinth.

The Safe Havens and the Patriots stewarding them



High Plains Farm

 In the south west of the fortress is a large farm run by Landyn Midha. This large man is in charge of the many field hands that labor on the many acres of grass fields that feed the horses, bulls, cows, oxen, and other cattle at Kahar.


Chissum Ranch

 In the north west of the fortress is a large ranch run by Anderson Chissum.  This thick set man runs the breeding, raising, training, and placement of horses, but his ranch houses the bulls, cows, oxen, and other cattle at Kahar.


The Three Towers

Tower 6, 7, and 8 survive the goblinoid attack and are not overcome by the undead.  All those who stand for the Kingdom of Goldenshield gather to the surviving 3 Towers under the leadership of Lady Gabora Deville.  Wife of the Marquis of Goldenshield, this powerful woman has a checkered and surprising past.


Braek's Munitions Dump

 A lowly servant gathers allies and holds most of the buildings and warehouses against the traitorius founder and Lord of the Munitions Dump.  His name is Jaken Voth, a faithful acolyte of Cyzotl, who repents the betrayal purpetrated by his Lord and rebels against the Ecclesiastic Brigade when they try to settle at the Munitions Dump.


The Secret Garden

 Long before the people of Goldenshield arrive, the Secret Gardens of Lady Nazeri flourish under the desert sky.  Daughter of a powerful elf, the Lady Nazerati Nazeri rules in her ancient hidden garden.


The Desert Castle

 The Castle of the Dwarf Lord Fahred Ahmandi protects the many religious temples at its base.

The Lamia

Terebo presents Khalista, Queen of the Desert

Khalista the Lamia

 Khalista is a monstrous humanoid, with a body like a lion, except bigger, with razor sharp claws and a twisting, snake-like tail.  But where the head of a lion would normally be is the torso, arms, and head of a beautiful and beguiling human female.  Khalista is large, magical, and terrible, and her powers included illusion and creation, charm, and curse at a touch.  Khalista is always alone, always sets herself apart and she lets her servants deal with visitors, She uses magic, and ordinary peepholes, to spy on visitors, and if she can catch them with a spell, she can dominate the very will of friends and enemies, or she can charm even the surest of foes into doing her bidding.  Woe to those unfortunate and unwilling beings unlucky enough to be brought alive before her for she will use teeth and claws to temporaily sate her unsatiable appetite.  She can cast a spell on a friend or foe and follow them, seeing their every move using her crystal ball or other device to see from afar all those things that would otherwise be hidden from her.

The Lamia's History

 Khalista had been a servant to a demon lord deep in the Abyss.  There she had learned how to be evil and conniving in order to not be reduced to ashes or fleshy lumps.  She prospered: the more wicked she became the more she was able to satisfy her desires.  She served her time in the front lines in the war against the devils until she proved herself and was promoted to command.  She ruled legions of demons and won battle after battle against her enemies.  Her world was perfect.  Then her perfect world was shattered to pieces when the gods themselves brought war to her plane of existence.  The demons had fought but were easily defeated, swatted away like insects, they fled and scattered into the Abyss.  Khalista herself, grabbed three servants, a male and two females, and fled.  Using all of her will, power, and might, she fled through the chaos and ended at the foot of a great portal.  Scooping up her servants, she fled through the portal and emerged in the Aljana River at the foot of the Whirlpool of Danube, and nearly drowned in the tumult of the water.  Emerging on the south shore, Khalista found she had lost her two female servants in the frenzy, and only her male servant remained.  No matter, she fled from the tremendous power that manifested itself there and was a very pain on her mind, body, and soul.  Grabbing her remaining servant, she fled south, far, far away across a desert so vast she depaired that it would never end.  When the desert finally did end, she hid, spied out the land, and began to hunt the lesser creatures.  Choosing a remote fortress, she siezed it and lived in it until she had carved out a reputation for herself as a ruthless and merciless trader in illegal and rare artifacts.  Only the bravest and foolhardiest would dare seek to trade with the "Queen of the Desert".

The Necromancer

 On a dark desert night, a strange visitor comes to see Khalista.  In great fear, she agrees to grant him an audience, and that is the begining of her descent into the world of dark necromancy.  The stranger is Prysm, a god-king of immense power, a Necromancer and Warlord of both the undead and the goblinoids and his power is very great, and his corruption is felt all through the world.  Very quickly it becomes plain that Prysm is the Master and Khalista is the apprentice.  He will guide her training in dark, secret, evil magic: raising and commanding the dead.  For nine long years, the land beyond her desert suffers from blight, famine, and drought as a result of his very presence.  Khalista, the Lamia, who had known magical spells and incantations of her own before Prysm ever arrived, is now a necromancer of great power and might.  In a terrible ceremony, Prysm reaches into his head and removes a small bone from his skull and hands it to Khalista.  Khalista completes the ceremony when she inserts the bone, slimiy and moving as it is, into her own skull.  After this ceremony, she is able to raise and command the dead at will, with no limitations or loss of control, but, every 36 days, on the aligning of the three moons, she must remove this bone for one full day or die.   The price that Prysm demands for passing on his knowledge and power to Khalista is for her to attack and destroy his enemies.  He commands Khalista to follow the Dark Crusades (which he orchestrates every 32 years) and sieze one of the desert fortresses of the Kingdom of Goldenshield.  She obeys his commands, taking many of her servants, she crosses the great empty desert once more in her attempt to sieze the fortress and complete her master's bidding.  But the Dark Crusades are a failure that year, and Khalista is forced to retreat into the barren desert mountains.  There she discovers temple ruins of an ancient culture, and amoung the ruins is limestone.  She has her servants carve out a road from those desolate places to the King's Road, and she begins her career, her facade to hide her real intentions, as a trader in chalk.

Khalista's Goals

 Khalista has the following goals for this adventure.
Sieze the fortress of Kahar
Khalista has been trained for this very purpose.  Since she crossed the desert 32 years ago, she has scryed and spied on the fortress and knows many of its secrets.  She has agents working for her inside the fortress, and she is ready to unleash her plans at a moments notice.  She will be the master and ruler to a host of slaves.  She will rule all trade passing through the desert.
 Her long term goal includes holding the fortress as her own and establishing herself as the trade master in the middle of the King's Road.  She knows a retalitory army will come from the Kingdom of Goldenshield, but she also knows she has at least 3 months to prepare, and she plans to hold the fortress.
Plant her cutting of the Golthias Tree
Khalista was given a bark like piece of material.  It is highly malevolent and almost has a life of its own, but it is fragile and requires a lot of care.  It is a cutting of the Golthias Tree.  Khalista has charged 2 of her servants to nuture this cutting and then to plant it near the oasis inside the fortress.  Its evil will transform the indiginous plant life into monstrous blights walking and troubling the desert land.
Find and take the Marquis Sword
The Marquis' sword is named Inferno.  From her scrying and spies, Khalista knows that it is a weapon of flame and light, very deadly to her undead minions. She also knows where it is kept and that the Marquis has (wisely) not used it in his battle against the Fire Giant. Khalista will send servants to locate and take the sword.
Use her modified Haste Spell
Khalista has perfected a modified form of the haste spell, which should allow her to speed the development of many species from years to days or hours.  She has no clear plan but has her spell ready for any event that rises and will give her an advantage.
Trick the PCs into doing her bidding
Khalista is a master of manipulation.  If the PCs are not careful, they will recieve instructions to try to defeat the efreeti, the blue dragon, and the wizards.  While these are legitimate threats to the kingdom, they are not Khalista's allies and she will figure it out before the Heroes of the Kingdom and will send false reports and fake orders to the PCs to eliminate these figures.  If the PCs defeat them, they will realize, too late, that they were not killing Khalista's allies, but instead they were killing the biggest threats to her plan.

The Unexpected Events

 These unexpected events upset Khalista's plans, but she is intelligent, resourceful, and conniving and she will make and cut alliances anywhere she can to aid herself and her interests.  The first unexpected event involves the young blue dragon that makes itself known during the eve of the battle.  While the second unexpected event is the result of her own extensive use of her modified haste spells.  The third unexpected event is the double treachery of the wizards.  Finally, a stroke of good fortune in her eyes, a behir from the southern desert canyons marches into the fortress determined to put an end to the young blue dragon.
The Blue Dragon
The first unexpected event that occurs for Khalista is the coming of Zmaj Pustinjski.  Zmaj is the youngest son of Arcilus the Blue Dragon.  The same Arcilus who is named The Storm of Desolation and is the greatest of the Blue Dragons in the Land of Desolation.  Desolation is a huge stretch of Land in the southern region of Jagged Rock Drop, a land north of the desert full of sharp, broken, tumbled earth.  High above Jagged Rock Drop, the Viture Plains, 2000 feet above, provide not only food and water in the form of raindeer herds and rivers but also supplies ample cold moist air that north winds force south toward the desert.  There this air competes with south winds full of moist hot air and the result covers the Land of Desolation with a mixture of hot dry and cold moist air.  Dark desert storm clouds gather until Desolation is a land of continual Thunderstorms.
 There, in Desolation, Arcilus leads 3 great families of Blue Dragons, until he is betrayed and assassinated by his younger brother Wade.  The treachery is not condoned and a great fued spreads through the families of the Blue Dragons of Desolation. Meanwhile, Ghiliba Mbaya, an evil human bard servant, long time companion of Arcilus, persuades Zmaj to flee or face certain death.  They go south out of Jagged Rock Drop with a platoon of kobolds, and hide in the Hamakhaave desert.  Ghiliba trains Zmaj in how to estabish a liar, and Zmaj quickly begins to roam the desert and discovers The King's Road, where he raids the many caravans for food and treasure.  Zmaj's servants grow and spread as does his treasure hoard.  Ghiliba pursuades Zmaj to seek a second liar site.
 On one of his many patrols, Zmaj sees the great gobliniod army, led by Rhael, Rulos, and Eclith and he follows this great army of the Dark Crusades.  The army reaches a vast desert fortress just before daylight arrives, so a thousand tents and other structures are raised for the gobliniods to hide from the harsh desert sun and the Fire Giant must pace the scorching desert sands nearly alone for the long, hot, day.  High above, Zmaj inspects the desert fortress where he spots the Shrine of Lophator and he lusts for the great jewel in the statues hands.  He swoops down like thunder and steals the jewel of Lophator and hurries back to his lair.
  Zmaj, with only quick preperations, assembles a kobold army and sends them to sieze the Rear Gate of the desert fortress Kahar.  Zmaj boasts to Ghiliba that he has found the site of his second liar: he will destroy the Shrine from where he stole the jewel and make the entrance liar in its place.  The kobolds go forth and Zmaj accomplishes what he set out to do and becomes a real impediment to the carefully laid out plans of Khalista the Lamia.  But she is wise and quick and few can stand against her.  She is comprimised, because the day that she must remove the ethmoid bone has arrived and she will be unable to lead all of her undead warriors against the Blue Dragon Zmaj and his kobold army.  She awakens Amansara, bows down before him, and goes and hides in Tower 1 until the day of her decay is over, but it is a long day for her.  The mummy lord siezes control of the undead army and attacks the kobolds and the dragon at his brand new lair.  A terrible battle occurs where the mummy lord is slain and hacked to pieces.  The great servant of the dragon is also slain and the violin and sword are taken and hidden in Tower 1.  Khalista, recovering from her day off, goes to the tomb of Hallowlife, awakens him, and gives him control over her undead army with orders to keep the kobolds and the dragon from interfering with her plans, and it works.  Zmaj's forces are pinned down and Hollowlife's undead army siezes The Carved Stone Canyons, Sand Fall Allley, and The Sand Stone Spires, effectively cutting off the dragon's forces from the rest of the fortress.  At Sita Hamlet, they find that a garrison of soldiers from Goldenshield kingdom, resistance fighters as they have become known, has siezed the hamlet and holds on to it with continual reinforcements.  With her zombie army engaged against the dragon's forces, Khalista's remaining jackalwere army attacks but is unable to eliminate the resistance threat in the remaining three towers.
The Efreeti
At the start of the battle, Khalista sends 4 of her magician servants on a quest to open a magical gate to the elemental plane of fire.  They are protected by potions of Fire Resistance so that they can enter the magical gate, wade across the sea of fire to the Basalt and Granite Island, and there hide a terrible betrayal and gather obsidian orbs.  This all happens at the sapper hole under Tower 9.  Khalista has set in motion a plan involving treachery and her intellectual and psychological control of key commanders inside Kahar fortress.  When the Priest's Bridgade is dispatched to destroy the sappers, the leader, indeed all of the priests, turn traitorious.  Having become wealthy and powerful over the last 10 years under Khalista's power, the priests forsake their oaths to the Kingdom of Goldenshield and pledge their loyalty to Khalista.  The Fire Giant knows nothing of all this, all the Fire Giant knows is that Tower 9 has gone up in flames.  Tower 9 is in blazes and the Gate House catches on fire.  Khalista, oh so clever Khalista, has trapped the spell casters in a large diamond by casting imprisonment on them.  The magical gate and reverse gravity spells will last indefinately, or until someone enters the sapper cave, wades through the sea of fire to the Basalt and Granite Island, and frees the spell casters from inside the large diamond resting on the statue table hidden in a depression on the island.  Now occurs an event beyond Khalista's control or conceiving, the molten ground that is confined in the ring of stones that was Tower 9 spills out and flows like a river, out of the remains of Tower 9.  This river of lava runs north toward Lake Surgebuilt, but first runs through the King's Church and mostly destroys it.  The river of lava continues north and pools at the Inner Wall until it breaks through and then it flows through the east side of Moja Hamlet and destroys nearly all of it.  Finally, it skirts the hills on the west side until it dumps into the lake in a steamy vaporousn mess.
 Khalista follows the river of lava down to where it pools at the destroyed area that was once Apperton's Arch.  She has her servants cast the obsidian orbs deep into the lava pool where they smolder and smoke in the molten liquid.  Khalista casts her modified haste spell on them.  They are, indeed, fire snake eggs and in only a few short hours, instead of the many long months needed to incubate the obsidian eggs, they hatch into fire snakes.  But Khalistas spell is far more powerful than she anticipates, and it continues to speed up the evolution of the fire snakes, until, only another few hours later, full grown salamanders are ready for her to arm and command.  Her next move is east into the open hills where her servants plant kruthik eggs, and she uses her modified haste spell to cause them to grow expotentially.  Only a few hours later, she has a few young kruthiks digging caves in the desert wastes, and by the evening of the second day, she has a full hive of kruthiks deep in caves beneath the desert floor.  Finally, Khalista has her servants set firenewt eggs in the steamy waters where the lava falls into Surgebuilt Lake.  Furthermore, she again uses her modified haste spell to enhance the fire newts development and, within a few days, there is a tribe of deadly fire newts that wanders around in the day harrassing, bullying, and torturing any humans they can find.  It all works to Khalista's advantage, until the salamanders catch the attention of the Efreeti.
 Dahkjuan, the efreeti, siezes the ring of Fire at Tower 9 and controls the salamanders.  But Khalista is no fool and will make bargains and alliances with both the resistance fighters and the dragons forces to rid herself of this new menace.
The Wizards
The tale of the Wizards Brigade is long and sad.  It begins with an innocent affront that spirals into a fued between houses.  Kyrakis Braek becomes High Pontiff of the Ecclesiastic Brigade on the retirement of Zie Chieng in the 50th year of the Kingdom of Goldenshield.  He is delighted with himself when the Marquis excepts his three acolytes with the new position "War Healer" that he himself created, and he is elated when the Marquis makes the new position equal rank with the "War Mage".  Of course, the teachers and students at The School of Battle and Combat did not appreciate this new elevation in rank for the head of The School of Prayer and Supplication and his students and soon hidden hostilities erupted between the two groups.  A feverish rivalry erupted between the two disciplines when they were in officer school and instructors were hard pressed to keep peace in their ranks, nor did it end there, but spread until it became an argument between the naturalist and the aristocracy.  Khalista, using magic, watches from afar and feeds and fuels the feud, until she catches Kyrakis Braek, and sets her magical charms on him.  Within a year, most of the Wizards Brigade, lured by avarice, is under Khalista's sway, either caught by greed, or charmed by her magic, the Wizards are effectively her slaves.  During the war, Khalista commands the wizards to betray the Kingdom of Goldenshield and destroy the enclosing wall.  The Wizards Brigade gathers near Tower 2 and they do, indeed, destroy a lot of the wall and both Tower 2, Tower 3, and Tower 4, but they are scattered when Captain Walter gives his life and the Royals attack the Wizards.  Although many of the Wizards were afflicted by Khalista's magic into being her servants, the wizards do not return to serve Khalista but flee to the barracks.  There they are doubly treacherous and betray her and attempt to set up the Labyrinth, an impregnible magical enclosure, using 4 powerful artifacts named Jared's pylons.
 This is the root reason that Khalista locates and attempts to trick the PCs into doing her bidding.  With forged documents, and magical illusions, she will beguile and dupe the PCs into attacking the druids first, to prevent the completion of the Labyrinth, and then taking down each of the three barracks.
The Behir
Much to the delight of Khalista the Lamia, after 18 days of the stalemate, the behir from Arroyo Valley, attracted by the dragon flying about, comes wandering up the highway and settles in her library.  She did her best to control, connive, and lure it towards the young blue dragon, but the behir is tempermental at its best.

The Servants

Terebo and Jak

 The servants of Khalista were named sakal ljudi
Jackal People
by the people of Sicusne Rijecka
Tiny Rivers, or, better, The Land of Tiny Rivers
, or more often just simply the sakal, but when they were gathered alone and in secret they called themselves alnaas abn awaa, The Howling People, or, more literally, People are Howling.  They looked just like jackals, same shape, size, color, etc, but they were shape changers, and could change into a normal looking humanoid, or a humanoid/jackal mix complete with claws and fangs.  They had the face, claws, and tail of the jackal but stood upright on a humanoid torso, but what is more, no matter what shape they took, is that thier skin was impervious to steel, bronze, iron, and many other materials that made up normal weapons.  Only magical weapons could harm them, or spells from a magic user, besides that very little could harm them unless it was a creature or beast greater than they.  What is more, the sakal could use their magic gaze against an unsuspecting enemy that would cause the enemy to collapse in a sudden deep sleep.  The sakal were a feared desert dwelling people that were best left alone and avoided altogether.
 When the gods invaded her home plane, Khalista had grabbed only three of her most trusted servants Terebo Inglofer, Mesika Yetara, and Amersis Disjaho.  When she left the other worldly plane and jumped through the portal she had lost the two females and retained only Terebo, her male servant.  Fifteen hundred miles south she had fled from the frightning magic power when she first arrived on Lophator, across a desert so vast and empty and utterly without water the farther south she fled.  Finally, she happened across Sakala, a desert fortress left in ruins, and quickly staked her claim to her new home.  One hundred miles farther south the desert ended into the grasslands and there were herds and herds of grazing animals, and feeding on the grazing animals were lions, hyenas, and jackals.  It was an easy thing for Terebo to attract the jackals deep into the desert to Sakala, but any breeding he did with the jackals only produced more jackals.  Until Khalista performed her dark magic and evil acts and Jak was born.  Jak was like Terebo and could shape shift and had skin that was impervious to normal weapons.  Jak was huge and strong, but Jak was simple, Jak was slow.  Jak suffered from an intellectual disability, he would never score above 70 on an IQ test.  Khalista had no desire to have an army full of Jak's and she abandoned her breeding program.
 In time, fortune shined upon Khalista, for they finally found, feeding on a village of men, one of the missing sakal females, Mesika Yetara, and a new breeding program began, and, in no time at all, Sakala had an army of over one hundred impervious sakal.


The ruins of Sakala

 Sakala was a stronghold in the southern desert constructed by brave men, elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes.  It took twelve long years but they completed nine war towers, a gathering hall, and three towers dedicated to the desert gods, all connected with an 18 foot high, 5 foot thick stone wall.  They finished barely in time it seemed, for every sixteen years the fire giants of Burning Summit Mountain would venture forth from their mountain thrones and go about the lands raiding for slaves and plundering for riches.  It fell to Freot FirestormBringer, the fire giant, and his two hill giants to collect slaves and bounty from the area north east of Burning Summit Mountain, where the towers and walls of Sakala Fortress was built one hundred miles inside the burning desert.  The giants were not prepared for the fierce defense and were driven away, still, the fire giant and his slaves were able to collect plenty of bounty and slaves amoung the villagers outside the fortified territory and even damaged some towers by throwing stones.  But Freot was a military genius and knew he was overmatched and only reluctantly gathered up his slaves and bounty and retreated.
  It was another 16 years until Freot returned, and he was ready, with tools, and slave warriors, and his two faithful hill giants.  Freot the fire giant assaulted Sakala Fortress.  But Sakala was ready, too, and, though they did much damage, the two hill giants fell in battle.  Freot halted the assault and carried his two slain servants back to his fiery mountain home.
 Freot returned the following year with nine other fire giants bent on revenge.  The fire giants began their assault from afar by throwing giant stones into the defenders.  Once they razed two of the towers, slaughtered many warriors, enslaved most of the others, with only a few escaping and fleeing south into the grass lands, the fortress was sacked.  Sakala Fortress was left in a state of ruin and disrepair until Khalista took it for her own.
 Khalista used magic and enchantments and filled the broken palace and restored it to impossible features.  Beautiful sculptures and marble statues adorned the court where the Queen of the Desert and her servants wallowed in crapulence.  It was all a lie, all illusion designed to lure the unwary.  Those seeking for that adventure and riches soon found themselves on the menu as Khalista and her servants gave in to their voracious appetites.  Her servants would also travel over 100 miles south to the caravan roads and came back laden with riches and slaves.  There in Sakala, Khalista established herself and regained a little of the glory that she commanded in her younger days.
 In Khalista's time, Sakala became a place of fear and loathing.  Only the most evil and wicked beings would be drawn to her kingdom. Among those, only the bravest would cross the haunted bridge and enter the Dark Courtyard.  Skeletons and zombies would rise up in the Dark Courtyard and attack in protest that the living would intrude on their burial grounds.  If one gets past the skeletons and zombies and scrambles over the piles of crumbled stone, they find themselves in the Broken Courtyard.  There they encounter the Wraith of Commander Veljcro and seven specters.  Battling through those undead fiends is no easy task, and beyond lies the old gathering hall where within the magic of Khalista is able to grant them every perverted desire at the cost of their lives and their souls.

The Nexus of Space and Magic in the Universe

Khalista and Jak
Khalista and Terebo behold the power that was once the Whirlpool of Danube

 Khalista grew secretive yet powerful at Sakala.  She practiced her dark arts and scried near and far along the path of the caravans.  Her servants raided the caravans and she began to grow very wealthy filling her palace with stolen goods.  She spyed on the people to the south with her magic and began to prey upon the richest and most powerful until they would not stand against her servants anymore but left offerings and payments instead.  She became well known as an extorter of riches especially against the very powerful. She eliminated her competitors first and then began to prey upon the upright and lawful.  Tempting a person to betray their beliefs was a favorite torture of hers and all in the area began to fear the Queen of the Desert. Rumors could never name a specific person but only state in great fear that deep in the desert was a being who dealt in souls.  As her wealth increased, Khalista paid the men of the surrounding countries considerable wealth to supply Sakala with the one thing it lacked: water.  Brave and unscrupulous men looked at this opportunity as a get rich quick scheme.  It was a dangerous journey, and many of the Water Suppliers never made it back home.  Those that did return told tales of a palace of incredible wealth in the desert where all worldly desires would be fullfilled but the cost was high, either a life or a soul.
  But then there was the coming of Prysm, and Khalista was thrust into servitude as she had not been since her days serving the demon lords.  Khalista became powerful and was able to command the undead in great numbers but the price was high.  She was commanded to attack and sieze one of the fortresses of the Paladin King.  Prysm reminded her of the great power that was once the Whirlpool of Danube and Khalista was tempted beyond her endurance and lusted after the power that she beheld.  After much preperation, she followed the Dark Crusaders north but the Dark Crusades were a failure that year, and Khalista was forced to retreat into the barren desert mountains named Red Rock.  She would have to wait 32 long years for the Dark Crusades to return, but that was just the perfect amount of time for her to begin her devious plans of attacking Kahar Fortress with spies, traitiors, and other decietful schemes. She sows corruption and takes advantage of avarice and discontent amoung the Lords and Ladys of Kahar.  She knows if she is clever enough, she could sieze the fortress and have months to establish herself before the men of Goldenshield Kingdom can retaliate against her.  Once established at Kahar, she will begin her policy of lies, traitors, and spies until she works her way to the ultimate prize, that she might find that awesome power that she beheld that was once the Whirlpool of Danube.   She embraces the feelings of accomplishment that comes from destroying her foes and she lays out her wicked plans with relish.

The Excursion through Time


Thamiar the Guardian Naga

 The Guardian Naga, Thamiar, sees the corruption and avarice grow in Kahar.  Many who were formerly his friends now shun him or ignore him entirely.  The Marquis and his wife, blissfully and happilly celebrating their recent accomplishments, are surrounded by sychophants and assenters and are blind and unaware to the chaos that corrupts their bureaucracy.  Thamiar uses The Stone of Seeing and Speaking often, a crystal ball of great power and might, surveying land and kingdoms at will.  Thamiar the Guardian Naga not only identifies those that will betray Goldenshield, but also comes across a young blue dragon establishing territory far to the north of Kahar.  Thamiar takes no action, but instead, seeks out his mentor and advisor, Arprevant the Androsphinx.  Arprevant uses that power that is granted to him and takes Thamiar into the far future where they behold the terror that Khalista the Lamia causes on the land that was once Kahar.  Undead creatures scour every living surface, ghosts, spectres, and wraiths cause havoc with any remaining life, and a lich and a mummy lord vie for control of the ruins of the once sacred temples.  In this future, both Thamiar and Arprevant are dead and Kahar is in the hands of evil.  Arprevant returns Thamiar to the present and several days pass where they are both distraught.  But Thamiar conceives the solution to stop the destruction and desolation of Kahar.  In the future, far to the north of Kahar, a young blue dragon grows to adulthood and then returns to Desolation and enters the decades long civil war.  Triumphant in that war, the young blue dragon establishes himself as King and Lord of Desolation and his rule is calamatous and spectacular.  The young blue dragon never sees The King's Road.  The young blue dragon never plunders the many caravans that leads to his establishing his second lair.  In the future, the young blue dragon never interacts with anyone in Kahar and, certainly, never establishes the lair at The Rear Gate.  Thamiar sets in motion a plan that will change everything.
 With the magic stone, Thamiar finds the blue dragon flying far to the north of Kahar.  Thamiar uses the stone to cast suggestion and the dragon, succumbing to the spell, travels south, farther south than he would ever have gone otherwise, and there the young blue dragon meets the Guardian Naga.  Though powerful, the young blue dragon falls to the command spell of the Guardian Naga and is rendered immobile but attentive.  Finally, Thamiar casts geas on the young blue dragon and directs him to establish a lair near Kahar and erases any memory of this encounter.
 Now a whole new set of events occurs just before the occurance of the Dark Crusades: the young blue dragon spots The King's Road and begins to plunder the myriad caravans.  After establishing his second lair, the young blue dragon sees Kahar from far above and, finally, witnesses the march of the gang of goblinoids under the leadership of Rhael the Fire Giant with his two hill giants Rulos and Eclith.  Thus is set in motion everything that leads to the Coming of Zmaj Pustinjski and the kobold invasion of The Rear Gate.  This change of events makes it possible for the soldiers of Goldenshield to form a resistance and they are able to save 3 of the 9 Towers.  The massive undead army that would have destroyed them has now been sent to the north part of the fortress to struggle with the invasion of the Blue Dragon's kobold invasion.  Evil will never completely destroy the Resistance fighters and they will always struggle to gain back their control over the fortress.
 There is a huge consequence that comes back to haunt both the NPCs and the PCs.  As a result of this excursion through time, a paradox has arisen.  The heros who defeated Freaot Firestormbringer and his two Hill Giants during the 31st Dark Crusades are recognized by The Marquis and his Wife, who were 32 years younger, and Khalista the Lamia.  Those heroes are the PCs.  After the PCs confront Teobold the Destroyer, obtain the Efreeti bottle and trap Dahkjuan (who is really Hollowlife), thus freeing the south part of the fortress from his domination, both Thamiar and the Lady of Kahar will reveal the truth to the PCs that they were the ones who fought and defeated Freaot Firestormbringer and his two Hill Giants Juit and Veene.  They will urge the PCs to enter the Temple of Time and go to the past, to the 31st Dark Crusade and there they must fulfill their destiny, they must fight and destroy the Fire Giant and 2 Hill Giants exactly like the NPCs remember.

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